In case you missed it, Invisible Cities did the rounds in the media in December.
- This article was published in The Age;
- I spent a morning in the ABC studios, first on ABC Radio National Books & Arts Daily with Michael Cathcart;
- and then down to ABC 774’s The Conversation Hour with(out) Jon Faine (who was on summer leave), a very enjoyable conversation with hosts Ali Moore and David Astle, and fellow guests Marieke Hardy and Michaela McGuire of Women of Letters;
- and then a couple of weeks later I headed to the SYN FM studio to talk Invisible Cities with Alice Walker (no, not the writer) on Art Smitten;
- and lastly to the Triple R studios where I spoke on The Grapevine with summer hosts Libby Gott & Charby Ibrahim.
That’s a lot of talking for someone who spends their time creating platforms for other people to talk, don’t you think?